New Building
Anyone who has been near the campus of The New Classical Academy in the last two years knows of big promises to come. What we mean, of course, is the promise of growth. Promise of room to grow, room to welcome more students and more opportunities, and room to become the place we've dreamt of for years. The New Classical Academy will never be a large school, because by growing too much we lose part of what we have set out to do. Your children come to school to be noticed and acknowledged by both teacher and peers. If we lose sight of that we lose sight of what we are at TNCA.
We do, however, want to say yes to more students. If you know Mr. Andy, thnn you know his heart. If a student and their family want to succeed at The New Classical Academy, then he doesn't want to turn them away due to lack of space. Unfortunately a large part of who we are and what we do involves the space we are in. To keep teaching kids at their own pace means sometimes they need quiet corners to work in and sometimes a teacher needs to do small group work away from the larger class. To do this we need more classrooms. To get more classrooms we need a new building.
After years of planning and permit retrieval, we have finally broken ground on the new building addition. The new building will be the future home of the 3/4 and 5/6 classrooms, some small "pullout" work spaces, and a larger communal room downstairs for after school programs, all-school assemblies, rainy day activities, and more. By moving our third through sixth graders from the original building, we have opened up the lower level for a large library, two extra small group or meeting rooms, and a larger classroom for our seventh and eighth graders.
As with all construction we know time lines often get thrown out the window. We are hoping to be done before the end of the 2018-2019 school year, but we will take each day (and delay) in stride like we have for the last few years. Thank you for all your patience in this growth and know the wait will be worth it.