Community Engagement

An important part of any child’s education is the development of strong character and values. As a school, our goal is to reinforce the learning that begins at home about the privileges and responsibilities of being part of a larger community. Respect, kindness, justice, compassion, fairness, and generosity are the building blocks of a strong character, and these traits form the core of what we try to instill in our students through our Community Engagement days. By connecting with others in the community, children learn empathy, and by finding ways to contribute to their community, they learn that they are part of something bigger and more important than their individual selves.

 On the first Friday of each month, we dedicate time to exploring what it means to be part of a community and the duties and responsibilities involved.

Sometimes this means going off campus to clean up neighborhood trails, and sometimes it means organizing a food drive for Bounty & Soul or making treats and cards for The Salvation Army. At other times, it means holding class discussions about how to make sure we’re being inclusive, how to stand up for someone who needs support, or how to understand families and people that look a little different than our own. Each class approaches these days differently, but with the common goal of helping the students see the role they can play in making our world a kinder, more just, and more equitable place.